<div class="panel"> <h4>dxFeed Live Sample: COMEX</h4> <div class="dataTable_wrap"> <table dx-widget="qtable" dx-change="blink" dx-class="upDown" class="dataTable"> <tbody> <tr> <th dx-bind="eventSymbol" dx-class="upDownArrowBefore" class="dataTable_symbol">Symbol</th> <th dx-class="upDown" class="dataTable_desc">Description</th> <th dx-bind="prevclose" class="dataTable_last">Prior Settle</th> <th dx-bind="Summary.prevDayClosePriceType" class="dataTable_last">Price Type</th> <th dx-bind="prevday" class="dataTable_updated">Date</th> </tr> <tr> <td class="dataTable_symbol">/GC:XCEC</td> <td class="dataTable_desc">Gold</td> <td class="dx-bound dx-bound-prevclose dataTable_last"></td> <td class="dx-bound dx-bound-Summary-prevDayClosePriceType dataTable_last"></td> <td class="dx-bound dx-bound-prevday dataTable_updated"></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="dataTable_symbol">/SI:XCEC</td> <td class="dataTable_desc">Silver</td> <td class="dx-bound dx-bound-prevclose dataTable_last"></td> <td class="dx-bound dx-bound-Summary-prevDayClosePriceType dataTable_last"></td> <td class="dx-bound dx-bound-prevday dataTable_updated"></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="dataTable_symbol">/HG:XCEC</td> <td class="dataTable_desc">Copper</td> <td class="dx-bound dx-bound-prevclose dataTable_last"></td> <td class="dx-bound dx-bound-Summary-prevDayClosePriceType dataTable_last"></td> <td class="dx-bound dx-bound-prevday dataTable_updated"></td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> <div class="dataTable_disclaimer">Limited demo display. EOD data. <a href="/disclaimer">See disclaimer</a>. Powered by <a href="/dxfeed-javascript-api">dxFeed JavaScript API</a>. <a href="/contact-us">Contact us</a> to discuss your market data needs. </div> </div>

COMEX is a Designated Contract Market that offers the following products subject to COMEX rules and regulations:


  • COMEX miNY Gold Futures
  • COMEX miNY Silver Futures
  • E-mini Copper Futures
  • Gold Futures
  • Gold Options
  • Silver Futures
  • Silver Options
  • Copper Futures
  • Copper Options

COMEX market data feeds come directly from CME’s Market Data Platform.

See: CME Group website


Data type: U.S. Futures

Available in:

  • Real-time: real-time direct feeds.
  • Delayed: real-time feed delayed by 10 minutes.
  • Historical: Complete tick-level historical data up to the previous trading day. Controlled replay and hosted analytics.


We offer:

  • Feed received directly from CME, no intermediate vendor delays
  • Configurable conflation and throttling to control the downstream systems pressure
  • Efficient in-transit wire data compression
  • Feed handler and messaging infrastructure with low hardware footprint
  • 24×7×365 monitoring and support