dxFeed Market Data IaaS got one more prestigious recognition. This time WatersTechnology Asia Awards 2024 named it the Best Managed Data Service Provider of the year. This accolade highlights dxFeed’s unwavering commitment to delivering top-tier market data solutions to its clients across the globe.

The WatersTechnology Asia Awards, now in their 5th year, celebrate excellence and innovation in the financial technology sector. With 34 categories spanning various aspects of the industry, the awards honor both vendor and end-user achievements. dxFeed’s Market Data Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS) stood out in a highly competitive field, showcasing superior performance, reliability, and customer satisfaction.

As an IaaS provider, dxFeed solves all the technical problems related to market data delivery and allows the client to concentrate on its essential business priorities. End-users from around the world connect to the client’s business as they usually would. They receive authorization as a token to get high-quality market data from the EU, US, Hong Kong, and Australia. So, the company doesn’t need to deal with the overheads associated with building, managing, and maintaining the requirements to make the above take place.

The WatersTechnology Asia Awards 2024 featured a diverse panel of industry experts who evaluated nominees based on their innovation, impact, and overall contribution to the financial technology landscape. dxFeed’s Market Data IaaS was lauded for its exceptional managed data services, which have become essential for firms seeking to gain a competitive edge.

dxFeed Market Data IaaS has been particularly noticed in the market in recent years, and many professional experts have already noted its innovation: