Data analytics
Market Indicators
Market indicators help investors with investment and trading decisions. dxFeed provides real-time streaming of both ready-to-use and custom indicators. Choose out of the box solution or define your own universe of symbols.
dxFeed Live Sample: Market Indicators
Symbol | Description | Last | Change | Chg % | Last Update |
$ADVN | NYSE Advancing Issues | 1897.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 25/08/2021 23:09:59 |
$DECN | NYSE Declining Issues | 1345.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 25/08/2021 23:09:59 |
$UNCN | NYSE Unchanged Issues | 194.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 25/08/2021 23:09:59 |
$TICK | NYSE TICK | -138.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 25/08/2021 23:09:59 |
$TRIN | NYSE TRIN | 0.80 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 25/08/2021 23:09:59 |
Limited demo display. Data delayed at least by 15 min. See disclaimer. Powered by dxFeed JavaScript API.
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Available indicators
Create your own indicators
Features you can define:
- The universe of symbols (for example: all Nasdaq stocks, options with AAPL underlying, etc.)
- The frequency of the indicator update
- The number of intervals to be used for average calculation or high/low definition when it’s applicable
Aggregated Indicators
Above/Below Average
Indicator Name | Description |
Above Average Indicator | How many assets from the defined universe trade above their average that is calculated based on a specified interval. |
Below Average Indicator | How many assets from the defined universe trade below their average that is calculated based on a specified interval. |
Above Average Relative Indicator | The % of stocks from the defined universe that trade above their average calculated based on a specified interval. |
Advanced / Declined
Indicator Name | Description |
Advanced Count | How many assets in the user defined universe currently trades higher than their previous trading day close price. |
Advanced Volume | The today’s trading volume of all assets in the user defined universe which currently trade higher than their previous trading day close price. |
Declined Count | How many assets in the user defined universe currently trade lower than their previous trading day close price. |
Declined Volume | The today’s trading volume of all assets in the user defined universe that currently trade lower than their previous trading day close price. |
No change Count | How many assets in the user defined universe currently trade without any change in comparison with their previous trading day close price. |
No change Volume | The today’s trading volume of all assets in the user defined universe that currently trade without any change in comparison with their previous trading day close price. |
Advance/Decline Volume Difference | The difference between Advance and Decline volume for the user defined universe. |
Short-Term Trading Indicator (TRIN) | A prediction of future price movements in the market. |
TICK Indicator | The difference between the number of stocks which have an uptick and stocks with downtick. |
Top Gainers by Absolute Net Change | A list of symbols which have the highest absolute price change as compared with the close price of the previous day. |
Top Gainers by Relative Net Change, % | A list of symbols which have the highest relative price net change as compared with the close price of the previous day. |
Top Gainers by Volume | A list of symbols which have the highest trading volume today. |
Top Losers by Absolute Net Change | A list of symbols which have the lowest absolute price change as compared with the close price of the previous day. |
Top Losers by Relative Net Change, % | A list of symbols which have the lowest relative price net change as compared with the close price of the previous day. |
Indicator Name | Description |
Total Average Price Indicator | Average price of assets in the defined universe. |
Total Average Volume Indicator | Average volume of assets in the defined universe. |
High / Low
Indicator Name | Description |
Above High Indicators | The number of assets in the defined universe that have today high price that is higher than the high price reached in the specified interval. |
Below Low Indicators | The number of assets in the defined universe that has today low price that is lower than the low price reached in the specified interval. |
Symbol-level Indicators
The following indicators can be calculated per every symbol and posted in the feed.
Indicator Name | Description |
Implied Volatility Rank | Implied Volatility Rank per every underlying instrument. |
Percentile Rank | The rank of a value in a data set as a percentage of the data set. |
Price Range | The rank of the current instrument price in the range of the interval defined by the user. |
Put/Call ratio | The ratio between the trading volume of Put and Call options with the same underlying instrument. You can define which underlying instruments you would like to track. |