
Product Overview

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Product Overview

Download the description of dxFeed Spotlight.

Empowering Market Insight with AI

At dxFeed, our core mission revolves around processing and managing vast volumes of market data. Our engineers recognized the immense potential of AI software to assist in making sense of these vast datasets.

The culmination of our research is dxFeed Spotlight, a specialized portal esigned to complement existing Large Language Models (LLMs) like ChatGPT. dxFeed Spotlight enhances the capabilities of LLMs, offering AI-generated news feeds, content creation, commentary, knowledge-graph-based topic recognition, and AI-generated analyst ratings and reports, all with a sharp focus on market insights.

dxFeed is at the forefront of transforming the financial news and data industry by leveraging the latest advancements in AI technology. Within dxFeed Analytics Suite, you’ll find a suite of powerful features, including AI-driven news feeds, informative essays, dynamic Twitter updates, automated commentary, intuitive knowledge-graph-based topic identification, and insightful AI-generated analyst ratings for companies. Explore the future of market intelligence with dxFeed Spotlight.


dxFeed Spotlight is a finalist of The Benzinga Global Fintech Awards in 2 categories:

  • Best New Product
  • Most Innovative in Capital Markets


  • Quick and efficient generation of high-quality news content without the need for a large team of content editors
  • Support of human-language requests for specific analysis, recommendations or trends
  • Easy addition of required data sources: underlying data feeds, reference data, and derivative products
  • Full-fledged data analytics powered by Market Search solutions and data visualization

AI-generated content

dxFeed Spotlight allows users to access a wide array of information on various instruments and determine the sequence of events within the financial industry. By utilizing AI-generated content, dxFeed aims to enhance the user experience by providing accurate and up-to-date information in a timely manner.

One of the significant benefits of using AI-generated content in the finance industry is its ability to perform trend analysis. AI algorithms can process vast amounts of market data and identify patterns, enabling users to make informed decisions based on reliable insights. This not only helps financial professionals but also empowers individual investors to navigate the complex world of finance more effectively.

Learn more
You can find out more about the story behind dxFeed Spotlight.
dxFeed Market Data