dxFeed C API and dxFeed .NET API version 7.1.0 with fixes and improvements are already available.

C API Changelog

  • Implemented the heartbeat semantics with payload
    • Added the new function dxf_set_on_server_heartbeat_notifier(dxf_connection_t connection, dxf_conn_on_server_heartbeat_notifier_t notifier, void* user_data)
      that sets a server heartbeat notifier’s callback to the connection.
      This notifier will be invoked when the new heartbeat arrives from a server and contains non empty payload
      Function parameters:
      • connection – The handle of a previously created connection
      • notifier – The notifier callback function pointer
      • user_data – The data to be passed to the callback function
    • Added the new callback type of a connection incoming heartbeat notification dxf_conn_on_server_heartbeat_notifier_t
      Passed parameters:
      • connection – The connection handle
      • server_millis – The server time in milliseconds (from the incoming heartbeat payload)
      • server_lag_mark – The server’s messages composing lag time in microseconds (from the incoming heartbeat payload)
      • connection_rtt – The calculated connection RTT in microseconds
      • user_data – The user data passed to dxf_set_on_server_heartbeat_notifier
        An example of implementation:
    void on_server_heartbeat_notifier(dxf_connection_t connection, dxf_long_t server_millis, dxf_int_t server_lag_mark,        
        dxf_int_t connection_rtt, void* user_data)
        fwprintf(stderr, L"\n##### Server time (UTC) = %" PRId64 " ms, Server lag = %d us, RTT = %d us #####\n",
            server_millis, server_lag_mark, connection_rtt);

    See usage example in the CommandLineSample.c


.NET API Changelog

  • Implemented the heartbeat semantics with payload
    • Added the new method NativeConnection.SetOnServerHeartbeatHandler(OnServerHeartbeatHandler handler)
      that sets a handler that will be called when a server heartbeat arrives and contains non empty payload

    • Added the new delegate type delegate void OnServerHeartbeatHandler(IDxConnection connection, DateTime serverDateTime, int serverLagMark, int connectionRtt)
      which is describes the handler type of a connection’s incoming heartbeat notification
      Passed parameters:

      • connection – The current connection object
      • serverDateTime – The server UTC time (from the incoming heartbeat payload)
      • serverLagMark – The server’s messages composing lag time in microseconds (from the incoming heartbeat payload)
      • connectionRtt – The calculated connection RTT in microseconds

      An example of usage:

      connection.SetOnServerHeartbeatHandler((connection, time, lagMark, rtt) => {
          Console.Error.WriteLine($"##### Server time (UTC) = {time}, Server lag = {lagMark} us, RTT = {rtt} us #####");