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dxFeed C API version 5.3.0 and dxFeed C# API version 5.3.0 with minor fixes and improvements are already available.


С API Changelog

  • Added support of regional and composite events for trades and quotes: field of type dxf_order_scope_t with constants dxf_osc_regional (regional) and dxf_osc_composite (composite) is added to dxf_quote_t and dxf_trade_t structures. Other dxf_order_scope_t constants are not used in this field.
  • Added functions that allow getting current address and other properties from a connection:
    • dxf_get_connection_properties_snapshot returns a snapshot of properties (authentication properties, protocol version, etc.) for specified dxf_connection_t at the time of the call.
    • dxf_free_connection_properties_snapshot frees the memory allocated during the call of dxf_get_connection_properties_snapshot.
    • dxf_get_current_connected_address returns the server address of the current connection for the specified dxf_connection_t in the format <host>:<port>.
    • dxf_free frees the memory allocated during the call of dxf_get_current_connected_address.
  • Minor fixes and improvements.


C# API Changelog

  • Added support of regional and composite events for trades and quotes: new read-only property with enum Scope is added to and This property can have only Composite (for composite events) or Regional (for regional events) value. Other constants from this enum are not used.
  • Added functions that allow getting current address and other properties from connection: two new read-only properties are added to the interface com.dxfeed.api.IDxConnection and the implementing class com.dxfeed.native.NativeConnection:
    • Properties returns a snapshot of properties (authentication properties, protocol version, etc.) at the time of the call as IDictionary<string, string>.
    • ConnectedAddress returns the server address of the current connection in the format <host>:<port>.
  • Minor fixes and improvements.


Please contact if you have any questions.