
FTSE UK Index Series


FTSE UK Index Series

The FTSE UK Index Series is designed to represent the performance of UK companies, providing market participants with a comprehensive and complementary set of indices that measure the performance of all capital and industry segments of the UK equity market.

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Headline indices

  • FTSE 100 Index (UKX) – comprises the 100 most highly capitalised blue chip companies listed on the London Stock Exchange.
  • FTSE 100 Total Return Index – measures the total return of the underlying FTSE 100 index, combining both, capital performance and income (reinvested on the dividend (xd) date).
  • FTSE 100 Net of Tax Index (UKXNUK) – All dividends paid by UK tax residents are applied as declared. Where a company with REIT status declares a Property Income Dividend (PIDs) any appropriate withholding tax adjustment will be applied. Dividends paid by non-UK tax resident companies are adjusted for withholding tax based on the maximum withholding tax rates applicable to dividends received by institutional investors who are not resident in the same country as the remitting company and who do not benefit from double taxation treaties.
  • FTSE 250 Index – comprises mid-capitalised companies not covered by the FTSE 100, and represents approximately 15% of UK market capitalisation.
  • FTSE All-Share Index – representing 98-99% of UK market capitalisation, the FTSE All-Share index is the aggregation of the FTSE 100, FTSE 250 and FTSE Small Cap Indices.
  • FTSE 350 Supersectors Indices – 18 real-time industry sector indices derived from companies in the FTSE 100 and FTSE 250 indices.

Dividend indexes

Represent the cumulative value of ordinary declared cash dividends by the individual constituents of the underlying FTSE 100 Index, calculated on the ex dividend (xd) date and expressed in terms of index points. The indexes run for a one-year period from the trading day following the third Friday in December to the following third Friday in December.

  • FTSE 100 Declared Dividend Index (F1DIVD) – all dividends are as declared by companies and no withholding tax adjustments are made.
  • FTSE 100 Dividend Index – RDSA Withholding (F1DIV) – an exception is made for dividends paid by Royal Dutch Shell A Shares from which a 15% withholding tax is deducted.

About FTSE Russell

FTSE Russell is a leading global index provider creating and managing a wide range of indexes, data and analytic solutions to meet client needs across asset classes, style and strategies. A core set of universal principles guides FTSE Russell index design and management: a transparent rules-based methodology is informed by independent committees of leading market participants. FTSE Russell is focused on index innovation and customer partnership applying the highest industry standards and embracing the IOSCO Principles. FTSE Russell is wholly owned by London Stock Exchange Group.

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50+ UK Series indices
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