Market Data
Equities & ETFs
Equities & ETFs
- United States
- Australia
- Brazil
- European Union
- Turkey
dxFeed provides access to data feeds for equities and ETFs from the main US, EU, Turkey exchanges and OTC markets. The market data is provided via low latency APIs in real-time, delayed and historical market replay streams, or as a historical data download.
United States
Consolidated US Equities (NYSE, Nasdaq, NYSE American)

CTA (CTS/CQS) Network A
Consolidated market data feed for NYSE-listed equities
CTA (CTS/CQS) Network B
Consolidated market data feed for NYSE Arca, Cboe and other regional exchanges listed securities
Consolidated feed for Nasdaq-listed equities

Nasdaq Basic
Best Bid and Offer and Last Sale information for all U.S. exchange-listed securities
Nasdaq Last Sale
Last sale data for all U.S. exchange-listed equities
Nasdaq Level 2
Nasdaq Top-of-Book of Market Makers for Nasdaq-, NYSE-, NYSE MKT- and regional exchange-listed securities
Nasdaq TotalView
Nasdaq Full Order Depth across all Nasdaq, NYSE, and regional securities

Cboe One Feed
Quotes and trades data from all four Cboe equity exchanges: BZX Exchange, BYX Exchange, EDGX Exchange and EDGA Exchange
Cboe EDGX Equities
Top-of-book and depth-of-book quotations, matched trade price, volume and execution time on a Cboe book for EDGX exchange
Cboe BZX Equities
Top-of-book and Last Sale quotations, matched trade price, volume and execution time on a Cboe book for BZX exchange
B3 S.A. – Brasil, Bolsa, Balcão

B3 Equities
Level 1 market data feed for equities from B3 (formerly BM&FBOVESPA)